RS-CIT – Rajasthan State Certificate course in Information Technology has been approved by Deptt. of Information Technology and Communication, Govt. of Rajasthan. To remove the fear of IT, RKCL has launched an IT-friendly computer course in Udaipur, Rajsamand and Banswara for the people so that they can gain computer knowledge easily.

RS-CIT is high quality and low cost IT literacy program which offers a novel curriculum, excellent study material and a learning management system in local languages. RS-CIT focus on the basic computer education program i.e. Basic Computer Knowledge, Operating System, Microsoft Office (Word/ PPT/Excel/Access/Outlook) and Computer Networking. A state-of-the-art delivery mechanism leads to online examination and instant e-Certification.


RS-CIT – राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा चलाया जा रहा ITअभियान है जिसके उद्देश्य आईटी के बारे में या कंप्यूटर के बारे में जागरूक करना है | इसमें कंप्यूटर के बारे में जानकारी दी जाती है और कंप्यूटर चलाने की ट्रेनिंग दी जाती है | इस कोर्स को करने के बाद कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर की पोस्ट के लिए कही भी अप्लाई कर सकते है | अधिक जानकारी के लिए ज्ञानोदय क्लासेज से संपर्क करें |



  • Keen desire to learn Computer and Information Technology.
  • Education Qualification: 10th Standard Desirable

How to Apply:

  • The admission process will be web-based. The learner should fill in an application form available at the local centre, using RS-CIT Application Software. The software generates a receipt for the fees.
  • Admission Process:
  • Learner approaches the centre or centre`s representative approaches the learner for admission to RS-CIT course. Course brochure will be offered to learner.
  • Using RS-CIT application Software, learner`s information will be filled in the web based application form.(or paper application form is filled by the learner and entered in the web and uploaded in batch mode by centre).
  • If the learner does not possess an email ID, the centre helps him to obtain the same to be entered into the online application form.
  • Centre scans the learners photograph and signature or takes his photo by digital camera / web cam and attached to his application form on the web. This is essential for examination.